divendres, 6 de juny del 2014

Bye Bye ESO!

My first day in ESO, I met friends from other towns in the first A, this day was a very special, because I met some great people and some of this peaople are still in my life. Other good and special  time in eso, is the second year in the center, that was the best for me, because I enjoyed  very much.
In this stage of my life, I learned a lot and I've grown as a person with my best friends. The year was harder to me, has been 3rd but still was unforgettable. This year, the last of ESO, been the msot important to me, but still was unforgettable. This year, the last of this stage, was the most important, because in this I had to choose your future and what you'll study in either.

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