divendres, 29 de novembre del 2013

What's your favourite movie?

Horror movie:

One of the horror movies I like it is Insidious. It was released in on April 1, 2011.
I wach it a year and a half ago, with one friend.

Josh, the father, his wife and their three children Renai just moved to an old house. But after an unfortunate accident, a child goes into a coma and at the same time, begin to occur in the house strange phenomena that terrorize the family.

The part I liked of the movie is when the family are eating in th kitchen. In another room while Elise packs histeam, Josh gives his cildhood photos abd says no longer need. Josh's wife was in the room and found the girl dead next to the camera that Elise took the picture and instead of seeing your husband sees the image of a woman, implying that it was possessed.After Josh takes it back. And last is an old woman appears and shouts Senen laugh

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