divendres, 6 de juny del 2014

My experiences

My world: places I'd like to visit

I would like to know Egypt and Greece in the future. I have always thought that they're fascinating places, apart from their environment, history, culture and architecture.
First of all, I'd like to travel to Egypt. There I'm going to visit the valley of the Kings, Monkeys valley, it is so called because there lies the sarcophagus of King AI, decorated with 12 monkeys. I have read that this place is still virgin and is more impressive than the main principal. As well, I'll visit the Egyptian museum and the Egyptian monuments.

My world: The wolf of wall street

The wolf of Wall street is a 2013 American black comedy film directed by Martin Sorese, based on Jordan Belfort's memoir of the same name. The plot of the fil was: Jordan Belfort was  a broker and he create a company: Stratford-Oakmont. Their company quickly grows from a staff of 20 to a staff of more than 250. This comant was a staff because he sold actions of one dòlar for a lot of money. That ultimately leads to Belfort featured on the cover of Forbes Magazine, being called "The Wolf Of Wall St."Jordan Belfort when the FBI looks he he wants to save his money in a European bank butwas to late. He goes to jail but for a short time and when he goes uot he continues was a millionare. This film was based in a true story.

Bye Bye ESO!

My first day in ESO, I met friends from other towns in the first A, this day was a very special, because I met some great people and some of this peaople are still in my life. Other good and special  time in eso, is the second year in the center, that was the best for me, because I enjoyed  very much.
In this stage of my life, I learned a lot and I've grown as a person with my best friends. The year was harder to me, has been 3rd but still was unforgettable. This year, the last of ESO, been the msot important to me, but still was unforgettable. This year, the last of this stage, was the most important, because in this I had to choose your future and what you'll study in either.

divendres, 16 de maig del 2014



Nick van de Wall with nikename Afrojack, is my favourite Dj because I love his electronic music, and his productions. Actuality Afrojack is one of the bests dj's of the world, he participe in the most popular concerts of the electronic music.has created great songs that brought them success in recent years. This is my fouvorite dj because I love he's music.

divendres, 9 de maig del 2014

A striking image

This is a photo of some people in Chen Zhongqui, China. In this photo, I can see many of people taking a pictures of the tidal waves reach their peak level.
In the foreground there are many people taking photos of the waves of the river, and in the background the are a big wave. It's a powerful photo, because this photo attracting tens of thousands of tourists to witness the event every year. You can see a wide variety of colors and one dominant over the others, that the color of the river water. The people of the photo seems a many of tourists.

divendres, 28 de març del 2014

News in English

Fantastic animation of planes

There is a amazing animation of the flights in Europe during the summer. 

feature: característica
depart: despegar
arrive: arribar
stunning: deslumbrant

News link